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Brick Work
Written by Tom Morton Smith
Designed by Jessica (Wenjing) JI
Scenic Communicator - Kathryn Brown

Prepping the Vaccum Formed Bricks
With Milly Williams and Jessica JI
Primed with Acrylic Covent Garden Primer
Staple holes filled with Indenden Brush Coat
Sheets fitted together and to the wood with white caulk

Painting the Vaccum Formed Bricks
Air Brushed with watered down enamel paint and Acrylic Covent Garden Primer (More detail in Air Brushing [Click Here for More])
Dry brushed with enamel paint (with Milly Wiliams and Jessica JI)
Glazed using Flint's Matt Glaze (with Milly Williams)
Iridescent sections rollered on with irident glitter mixed with Flint's Gloss Glaze (with Milly Williams)
Chalk writting written on with chalk pen (with Marcha Goodchild, Milly Williams, Jessica JI and Nico Venables)

Production Photos
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